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Privacy Protection and MEGAFORM Confidentiality Policy

I. Purpose and Sources

Protection of your privacy and personal data is a fundamental concern of MEGAFORM, in line with our corporate values.

MEGAFORM is in conformity with the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 relative to the protection of privacy during the handling of personal data[1] as well as with EU regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR).

The following paragraphs describe the rules and principles that we follow with a view to processing and safeguarding your personal data.

II. Address of our Data Protection Officer

We are considered to be a processor of your data.

If, after you have read through our confidentiality declaration, you have questions on this subject or if you would like to contact us, you can use the address below to do so:
            Rue Haute 177
            4700 EUPEN
            [email protected]

III. What information do we gather and for what purposes?

All personal data concerning you are intended for the internal use of MEGAFORM.

The personal information concerning you (for example, name, address and telephone number) or concerning your order and the products that you purchase will not be passed on or sold to any external company for the purposes of marketing or canvassing without your consent. 

We consider your personal data to be strictly confidential information that we will never transmit to third parties.

A) Customer profile on our site

MEGAFORM asks you to set up a personal profile for the following services:

  • Compiling a quote
  • Placing an order

When you set up a profile, MEGAFORM will ask for your first name, family name, e-mail address and password, as well as the address of the business for which you wish to place an order. We need these details in order to complete the purchasing process and to ensure that it is logistically handled as effectively as possible.

MEGAFORM will occasionally send you messages to tell you how you can get the best use out of your profile on our site. You can consult and modify your profile’s details at any time via the “My Account” tab on our site.

The data ensuing from these services are retained for a maximum of five years following their last modification/confirmation, with the exception of the purchase history, which is retained for ten years following the last date of purchase.

B) MEGAFORM newsletters

In the context of the user profile that you set up on the site, you have the opportunity to sign up to our newsletter dispatch system.

When you sign up, we therefore record your e-mail address. We use these details so that we can send you information that may be of interest to you. Your e-mail address is securely recorded with the third party, Sendgrid, which takes care of our mailings. To ensure the security of your data, MEGAFORM has drawn up a sub-contracting agreement with the specialist company Sendgrid, which contractually guarantees the security of your data on the basis of model clauses approved by the European Commission.

We will only send MEGAFORM newsletters via Sendgrid with your express consent, which you can withdraw at any time. You can at any time consult and change your settings concerning the newsletters via the “My Account” tab on our site.

We retain the e-mails that we send to you and check whether you open these e-mails. In this way, we can be sure of sending you relevant information. In some cases, we may also check the actions that ensue from our e-mails, such as the purchase of products.

C) Orders on the site

MEGAFORM retains a history of your orders for five years, but will never save your card details.

MEGAFORM may send e-mails in connection with the order that you have made. We send these e-mails in the context of fulfilling a contract; their sole purpose is to improve your concert experience.

D) Cookies

We use cookies in order to continuously improve your browsing experience. Cookies are small files which, among other things, save you the effort of re-entering your user details every time.

MEGAFORM will only use “first-party cookies” to improve your user experience on the site. To do this, we retain information specific to you as a user, such as selected language, visited pages and the duration of the visits.

Concerning “third-party cookies”: these cookies are created and stored on your computer by another (third) party than the MEGAFORM website that you visit, with a view to recording browsing habits.
Examples of these third parties are social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, but also Google Analytics. This is the most frequently used system for gauging website visits. More specifically, this concerns:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Adwords

By accepting the present confidentiality policy, you give us your consent to use third-party cookies for the purposes of advertising and monitoring.

F) Third-party data

It may be that we receive your personal data via third parties. This will only happen if you have given your express consent, which you can withdraw whenever you wish. We retain these details received from third parties for a maximum of five years following their receipt or your last modification. 

IV. Whom do we share your data with?

Your e-mail address and settings concerning newsletters are securely recorded with Sendgrid. We need these details so that we can send you customised product recommendations.

Our IT providers have access to our systems and have de facto access to your data.

We conclude with these sub-contractors the necessary agreements in order to guarantee the security of your personal data. We never communicate personal data to other third parties without your consent. Moreover, we will never communicate details communicated by you to third parties, unless the law makes this mandatory and authorises it.

We process your personal data solely within the European Economic Area.

V. How do we maintain the security of your data?

We attach great importance to effective protection of your personal data. This is why we have taken the necessary technical and organisational measures in order to safeguard your personal data in the appropriate manner. In order to do this, we have recourse to methods that constitute the norm in the context of gathering and storing a large volume of personal data. This comprises the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the encrypting of information during data transmission via the Internet. As there is no 100% secure method either of transmitting data via the Internet or of electronically storing data, MEGAFORM cannot guarantee absolute security. Your account information will be secured by means of a password, which we advise you to choose with care. Include numbers and punctuation marks in your password too.

VI. What are your rights?

As a user, you also have a certain number of rights bearing on your personal data.
If you would like to exercise any of these rights, we recommend that you write to  MEGAFORM directly by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or changing your settings via our website. We will follow up your request as quickly as possible, and within 30 days at the latest.

  • Right to consultation and rectification: you have the right to check all personal data that we gather from you. You can have potential incorrect or incomplete data modified or deleted.
  • Right to be forgotten (right to erasure): all visitors have the right to have their data deleted from our databases, unless this information is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract or for compliance with any legal obligation.
  • Right to complaint: if you consider that your data have been the object of illicit processing by us, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Commission.
  • Right to withdrawal of consent: all users or visitors subject to the gathering of personal data have the right at any time to withdraw the consent that they have given in the past concerning the processing of the said personal data.
  • Right to objection: you have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal data when this processing has taken place without your consent and when there are no alternative required grounds for processing, such as the fulfilment of a contract or compliance with a legal basis.
  • Right to restriction of processing: you have the right to put an end to the processing of your personal data or to suspend it.
  • Right to data portability: you have, under certain conditions, the right to obtain your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, and to transmit these data to another data processor.

In particular:

  1. If you no longer wish to be contacted for advertising or marketing purposes by MEGAFORM, you can object to this by contacting us by e-mail at the address [email protected]

    You can at any time also request to consult, correct, modify or delete your personal data retained in our list of addresses.

  2. You can at any time check and modify your personal data and your mailing settings via the “My Account” tab on our site.

VII. MEGAFORM will keep you informed of the updates made to this Confidentiality Policy

In certain cases, MEGAFORM will adjust this confidentiality policy following changes to services, customer feedback or a change in privacy legislation.

MEGAFORM will always inform you via its website or usual communication channels of all fundamental changes to any processing activity. If privacy legislation requires it, we will ask for your consent for new or modified processing activities. 

If you wish to contact us or if you have any questions or suggestions with regard to our confidentiality policies, call us, write to us or send us a message at the following address [email protected]

Legal data

Company no.: BE0448.268.672
Head office: Rue Haute 177 – 4700 EUPEN (Belgium)

[1]  as modified by the law of 11 December 1998 implementing European Directive 95/46/EC of 25 October 1995

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