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Colored Folding Gym Mat

Ref. M410120

Mat with excellent shock absorption. It is made up of 3 or 4 panels, each measuring 120x60x5cm, which can be folded on top of each other for easy storage. The outer lengths are fitted with Velcro fasteners, allowing...

Type Dimensions
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Mat with excellent shock absorption. It is made up of 3 or 4 panels, each measuring 120x60x5cm, which can be folded on top of each other for easy storage. The outer lengths are fitted with Velcro fasteners, allowing several mats to be assembled in a row.

Ref M410120
Dimensions 180x120x5cm
Type Colors: red / blue / yellow
Brand Spordas
Material polyurethane foam
Dimensions 240x120x5cm
Type Colors: blue / yellow
Brand Spordas
Material polyurethane foam

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